GLACÉAU vitaminwater: Defence Raspberry & Apple
- Nutritional Information Label
- Nutrition
- Servings Per Container Label
- Serving Size Label
- Nutrition Information
- Serving Size Value
- per 100ml
- Amount Per Serving Label
- Calories Label
- Energy
- Calories Value
- 4kJ/1kcal
- Calories From Fat Label
- Calories From Fat Value
- Daily Percentage Label
- Total Fat Label
- Fat
- Total Fat Value
- 0g
- Total Fat Percentage
- -
- Sodium Label
- Salt
- Sodium Value
- 0g
- Sodium Percentage
- -
- Carbohydrates Label
- Carbohydrate
- Carbohydrates Value
- 0.8g
- Carbohydrates Percentage
- -
- Total Sugars Label
- Of which sugars
- Total Sugars Value
- 0g
- Total Sugars Percentage
- -
- Included Sugar Label
- Included Sugars Value
- Included Sugars Percentage
- Protein Label
- Protein
- Protein Value
- 0g
- Protein Percentage
- -
- Description
Spring water, flavour enhancer (erythritol), citric acid, vitamins (C, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6), fruit and vegetable concentrates (carrot, blackcurrant), sweetener (steviol glycosides), natural flavourings, mineral salt (zinc gluconate).