Sundin lang mga sumusunod na steps:
1. I-Scan ang QR code sa label or pumunta sa para mag sign-up at i-input ang promo code
3. I-click ang Copy Voucher Code button , then click the claim Prize para mare-direct sa Giftaway site
4. I-paste ang Voucher code at i-click ang proceed para pumili sa mga available merchants
5. I-claim ang P50 Giftaway eVoucher sa selected merchant
The Giftaway eVoucher can then be claimed or used at your preferred merchant until January 30,2025. Each Giftaway eVoucher code can only be used once . The first person who uses the Giftaway eGift code at any of the participating Giftaway merchants will be considered the valid claimant/owner of that Giftaway eVoucher.