Terms and Conditions
Kolek & Win
Promo Duration
January 15, 2025 – March 08, 2025 (9 weeks)
Type of Promotion
Collect 9 specially marked caps/crowns and redeem Coca‑Cola / Royal / Sprite branded merchandise/premium items
Area Coverage
Specially marked Participating Products/ SKUs
- Coca‑Cola Original Taste (290ml, 190ml, 237ml, 355ml)
- Coca- Cola Zero Sugar (190ml)
- Sprite (290ml,190ml, 237ml, 355ml)
- Royal Tru Orange (290ml, 250ml, 190ml, 237ml, 355ml)
- Royal True Lemon (290ml, 250ml, 190ml, 237ml, 355ml)
which caps/crowns are specially marked with “KOLEK & WIN”.
Coca- Cola Original Taste


237 ml

355 ml

Coca‑Cola Zero Sugar

290 ml


237 ml

355 ml

Royal Tru Orange
290 ml

250 ml


237 ml

355 ml

Royal True Lemon
290 ml

250 ml


237 ml

355 ml

Promo Materials
Key Visuals (to be cascaded to the following):
- Radio
- Digital Platform Ads
- Out of Home Materials
- Merchandising Collaterals
Promo Mechanics
Kolek & Win is brought to you by Coca‑Cola Far East Limited (CCFEL) (“Sponsor”).
- The promo period starts on January 15, 2025, and ends on March 08, 2025. Consumers will have an opportunity to redeem Coca‑Cola branded merchandise items from February 14, 2025, until March 08, 2025, at designated redemption locations and schedules.
- This promotion is open to all legal residents of the Philippines who are at least thirteen (13) years old at the start of the promo period.
- Those who are between 13 and 17 years old represent and certify, by joining the promotion, that they have obtained the consent of their parents or guardians to participate in the promo and provide their personal information in accordance with the terms and conditions and privacy policy for the promotion.
- Employees of Coca Cola Far East Limited (CCFEL), Coca‑Cola Beverages Philippines Inc. (CCBPI), Partners and Distributors including employees of their parent companies and affiliates, employees of their third-party suppliers including MEDIACOM, WPP/OGILVY/BATES, ANT SAVVY, employees of the FDA, and all their relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity are disqualified from joining this promotion.
- For merchandise redemption, if consumer is a minor (13-17 years old) he/she must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian upon redeeming the applicable merchandise.
- Participants must collect a combination of 9 caps/crowns of specially marked participating Coca‑Cola products as stated below:
a. Three caps/crowns of any Coca‑Cola Original Taste or Coca‑Cola Zero Sugar
b. Three caps/crowns of any Sprite
c. Three caps/crowns of any Royal Tru-Orange or Royal Tru-Lemon - Upon collection of 9 specially marked caps/crowns with the combination stated above, participants may go to a redemption center to redeem Coca‑Cola branded merchandise.
- Participants can only redeem up to a maximum of 2 merchandise items under this promotion per day on a first come, first served basis based on allocated merchandise of redemption centers per redemption day.
- Consumers who avail of the Coca‑Cola participating packs and join the promo agree to be bound by the promo rules, and by all decisions made by Coca‑Cola Far East Limited (CCFEL) on all matters related to this promotion.
- CCFEL reserves the right to change and/or substitute the prizes for redemption with items of equal or greater value. CCFEL’s decisions on all matters relating to this promo shall be final.
- For more information, contact the customer care hotline:

1. The following shall not be qualified to redeem promo merchandise:
- Participants who are not able to collect the 9 specially marked caps/crowns requirement.
- Participants whose specially marked caps/crowns are unreadable, tampered, punctured, unauthorized or defaced, or uses old promo caps from 2024.
- Participants who have already redeemed twice in the same day.
- Participants who are trying to redeem beyond redemption period (March 08, 2025) or when total number of available merchandise have been fully redeemed, whichever is earlier.
2. The sponsor has the right and authority to decide on which entries are eligible based on the conditions.
There will be 900,000 pieces of Coca‑Cola branded merchandise available for redemption nationwide for the entire duration of the promo and redemption period. A participant can only redeem 2 pieces of Coca‑Cola branded merchandise per day on a first come, first served basis based on merchandise available in each redemption center per redemption date. Upon maximum redemption of the total number of available merchandise, the right of any further redemption by consumers shall be effectively extinguished, and no further claims for redemption will be accepted or entertained under any circumstance. The merchandise can be redeemed only between February 14, 2025 to March 08, 2025.
All prizes are tax-free (tax on the prizes, if any, will be shouldered by the sponsor)

See Annex III for the look of the branded merchandise
- Upon completion of the required number and combination of specially marked caps/crowns, the consumer can proceed to a designated redemption center based on the provided locations and schedules.
- The consumer shall turn over the caps/crowns to the staff for verification.
- Upon verification, the consumer shall register the following information: a) Name, b) Age, c) Contact Number, and d) E-Mail. They must sign an acknowledgement receipt which states that he/she has received his or her redeemed promo merchandise in complete and good condition. A consumer can redeem only 2 items per day on a first come first served basis from the 70 items allocated to the redemption center that day.
The collected caps/crowns from the consumer will be segregated, marked as redeemed and properly disposed by the sponsor.
There will be a total of 1,610 redemption centers nationwide composed of select 7Eleven outlets & Wholesale / Retail outlets. Consumers can redeem in select 7Eleven stores from 8:00am to 12:00mn and select stores (Wholesalers / retails outlets) will be open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm every Friday & Saturday on below designated days only or until the allocated merchandise in that redemption center for that day has been fully redeemed, whichever is earlier. Only a maximum of 70 items will be available for redemption in a redemption center per day on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis.

See Annex IV. for list of Redemption Centers
Note: Detailed Locations and schedules of the redemption centers to be placed in the Coca‑Cola Website
- Participants and their entries/caps/crowns may be disqualified from the promo if they are found to be fraudulent, incomplete, incorrect, uncrimped or unauthorized, based on reasonable parameters determined by the Sponsor, in consultation with FDA.
- The specially marked caps/crowns must have the special security markings in addition to the “Kolek & Win” words as disclosed to the FDA.
- There will be a maximum of 900,000 Coca‑Cola branded merchandise that will be available for redemption. Upon maximum redemption of the total number of available merchandises, the right of any further redemption by consumers shall be effectively extinguished, and no further claims for redemption will be accepted or entertained under any circumstance. No Redemptions can also be made beyond redemption period (March 08, 2025).
- By participating in the promo, participants agree to the promo terms and conditions, and further consent that their names, images, photos, and information may be used, mentioned, or shown in the Sponsor’s marketing, advertisements, and other related materials.
- Upon redemption of promo merchandise, the participant may be asked to sign an acknowledgement receipt which states that he/she has received his or her promo merchandise in both complete and good condition.
- In case there is a threat to the integrity of the specially marked promo caps/crowns and the redemption centers, the Sponsor, with the FDA’s concurrence, may immediately suspend the promotion.
- All decisions made by the Sponsor (in consultation with the FDA) relating to this promotion will be deemed final.
CCFEL, CCBPI and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, representatives, consultants, contractors, legal counsel, advertising, public relations, promotional, fulfillment and marketing agencies, website providers, Web masters and their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives, designees, and agents are collectively referred to herein as the released parties (“Released Parties”)
By participating in this Promo, participants agree that:
- The Participant shall take full responsibility over the content shared for this promo. The Released Parties shall be free of any claims whatsoever with respect to the photos and content submitted by the Participant.
- Released Parties shall not be responsible for any loss, injury or any other liability arising out of the promotion or the prizes awarded. Sponsor shall not be liable for any loss or damage due to Act of God, Central and State governmental actions, policies and other force majeure circumstances and shall not be liable to pay any amount as compensation or otherwise for any such loss.
- The Released Parties are not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, stolen, misdirected, postage due, or undeliverable communications, email notifications or postal mail; or for any computer, telephone, satellite, cable, network, electronic or Internet hardware or software malfunctions, failures, connections or availability; or garbled, corrupt or jumbled transmissions, service provider/Internet/Page/Usenet accessibility, availability or traffic congestion; or any technical, mechanical, printing, or typographical or other error; or unauthorized human intervention; or the incorrect or inaccurate capture of entry information; or the failure to capture, or loss of, any such information.
- The Released Parties are not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by any Facebook Page, users, tampering, hacking or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the promotion, and assume no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, technical error, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to the Facebook Page or any promo--related website(s).
- The Released Parties are not responsible for any injury or damage, whether personal or property, to participants or to any person’s computer related to or resulting from participating in the promotion and/or accepting a prize.
- The Released Parties shall not be responsible or liable for entries that are entered by any automated computer, program, mechanism or device, for any entries more than the stated limit or for entries that are late, forged, lost, misplaced, misdirected, tampered with, incomplete, deleted, damaged, garbled or otherwise not in compliance with the Official Rules, and all such entries may, at Sponsor’s sole discretion, be disqualified.
Unforeseen Events:
If, for any reason, the promo is not capable of running as planned, Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the promo and/or proceed with the promo, in a manner that it deems fair and reasonable.
Laws and Regulations:
The promotion is subject to all applicable laws of the Republic of the Philippines. By entering the promo, each participant agrees:
1. To be bound by these Official Rules and by all applicable laws and by the decisions of Sponsor which shall be binding and final.
2. To waive any rights to claim ambiguity with respect to these Official Rules.
3. To waive all his or her rights to bring any claim, action or proceeding against any of the Released Parties in connection with the promo.
4. That all personal details submitted by each participant must be accurate, complete and are subject to provision of proof upon request of the Sponsor. Any inaccurate or incomplete information found in a submission will result in disqualification of the participant.
5. That the Sponsor has the sole discretion to disqualify any photograph or screenshot determined by the Sponsor to be obscene, profane, lewd, defamatory, threatening, harassing, libelous, deceptive, invasive of another’s privacy, offensive or inappropriate in any manner whatsoever.
6. That the Sponsor reserve the right to change/ modify terms and conditions and/ or criteria of the Promotion and / or the prizes for the promotion and/ or the duration/ timing of the promotion, at any time at their own discretion and without any prior notice and without assigning any reason, subject to the rules of the FDA and DTI.
7. To grant the Sponsor irrevocable consent in perpetuity to the use his/ her name, information, photographs, video submitted and/or taken during the prize distribution in connection with the promotion, in any and all applications including but not limited to advertising, commercials, promotion, stories, text, articles and commercial exploitation, in any and all media forms, including but not limited to online, social media, radio, broadcast and television, newspapers and magazines at any time without the participant’s further knowledge or consent.
8. To forever and irrevocably agree to release, defend, indemnify and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from any and all claims, lawsuits, judgments, causes of action, proceedings, demands, fines, penalties, liability, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable outside attorneys’ fees) that may arise in connection with:
- The violation of any third-party privacy, personal, publicity or proprietary rights.
- Typographical or printing errors in these Official Rules or any promo materials.
- Acceptance, attendance at, receipt, travel related to, participation in, delivery of, possession, defects in, use, nonuse, misuse, inability to use, loss, damage, destruction, negligence or willful misconduct in connection with the use of a prize (or any component thereof).
- Any change in the prizes (or any components thereof) due to unavailability or due to reasons beyond the Released Parties’ control, including but not limited to by reason of any acts of God, any action(s), regulation(s), order(s) or request(s) by any governmental or quasi- governmental entity (whether or not such action(s), regulation(s), order(s) or request(s) prove(s) to be invalid), equipment failure, threatened or actual terrorist acts, earthquake, war, fire, flood, explosion, unusually severe weather, hurricane, embargo, labor dispute or strike (whether legal or illegal), labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slow-down, civil disturbance, insurrection, riot or any other cause beyond any of the Released Parties’ control, or as otherwise permitted in these Official Rules;
- Any interruptions in or postponement, cancellation or modification of the promo.
- Human error.
- Incorrect or inaccurate transcription, receipt or transmission of any part of any entry (including, without limitation, the registration information or any parts thereof).
- Any technical malfunctions or unavailability of the Facebook Application or FB Messenger or any telephone network, computer system, computer online system, mobile device, computer timing and/or dating mechanism, computer equipment, software, or Internet service provider, or mail service utilized by any of the Released Parties or by a Participant.
- Interruption or inability to access the Contest, the Facebook Page or any other promo-related websites or any online service via the Internet due to hardware or software compatibility problems.
- Any damage to participant’s (or any third person’s) equipment used to access the promo and/or its contents related to or resulting from any part of the promo.
- Any lost/delayed data transmissions, omissions, interruptions, defects, and/or any other errors or malfunctions.
- Any late, lost, stolen, mutilated, misdirected, delayed, garbled, corrupted, destroyed, incomplete, undeliverable or damaged entries.
- Any wrongful, negligent, or unauthorized act or omission on the part of any of the Released Parties.
- Cost, late, stolen, misdirected, damaged or destroyed prizes (or any element thereof); and/or
- The negligence or willful misconduct by Participant.
9. Warranty: Without limiting the foregoing, everything regarding this promo, including all prize component(s), are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a purpose or non-infringement.
Except where prohibited, participant agrees that: a) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this promo or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; b) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this promo, but in no event attorneys’ fees will be collected; and c) under no circumstances will participants be permitted to obtain awards for, and participant hereby waives all rights to claim, indirect, punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. Participants agree that the statute of limitations for asserting any claims shall be a period of one (1) year from the time the cause of action accrued, or the cause of action shall be forever barred.