Health & Wellbeing

At Coca‑Cola in Europe, we are committed to taking meaningful actions to help people better manage their sugar intake from our drinks, by reducing sugar in our recipes, innovating new low and no sugar drinks, offering small packs for portion control, promoting low and no sugar beverage choices and marketing our drinks responsibly.  

Today we have approximately 200 brands globally, including water, juices, coffee, tea, sparkling and still drinks and we support the EU’s vision to create healthier food environment to tackle important public health issues.

Together, with our industry peers at UNESDA we have committed to reduce average sugars in soft drinks by another 10% from 2019-2025 across the EU-27 and the UK, representing a 33% total sugar reduction since 2000.  ​​

For years, we have worked to offer low or no calorie alternatives. In 2022, 45% of our total volume comprises low or zero calorie drinks and over two-thirds of our drinks have a low- or no-calorie alternative.[1] Whether it’s a Powerade Zero, a low-cal Fuze Tea, Sprite Zero Sugar, or Coca‑Cola Zero Sugar. 

We want consumers to make informed choices about what they drink. That's why we provide clear and meaningful nutrition information about what's inside our drinks and support interpretive nutrition labelling on the front of our products to help make informed choices. We believe the greatest impact comes with labels that are aligned with EU legislation, incentivize reformulation and are based on the latest scientific research and evidence. Since 2018 in 27 European markets, we have included front-of-pack traffic light labels on our core sparkling products as a minimum.

We also offer our products in a variety of small pack sizes to enable portion control as well as in several markets include additional icons on pack to show the number of portions on multi-serves.

We believe parents should decide what their children drink and that schools should be commercial-free. Globally, we do not directly market any of drinks to children under 13 in any media or channel including on social media, through sponsorship and on our packaging where they constitute 30% or more of the audience. ​



[1] Based on FY2022 global case sales data. Excluding Global Ventures and Multon Partners.