Does Coca‑Cola support any charities or community projects?

Yes. We believe it’s important for us to be active members of our local communities and to make a positive difference where we do business. We have a long history of bringing people together through our support of community projects and charities. Here are some of the projects we’re involved with:



Launched in 2014, ParkLives is delivered in partnership with local authorities and our charity partner StreetGames, and offers a long-term programme of daily fun and free activities in 45 locations, including ten major cities across the UK.  ParkLives encourages people to get outdoors, meet new people and enjoy the parks and green spaces in their local community. Everyone is welcome and there are a huge range of activities to suit all ages and abilities.

Find out more information about ParkLives:



Since 2011, we’ve had a partnership with sports charity StreetGames, which aims to make sport more widely available for young people in disadvantaged communities, and use the power of sport to change communities and young people’s lives for the better. Through StreetGames, we are able to bring our ParkLives scheme to a further 35 more locations across the country.

Find out more information about StreetGames:


World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

We’ve had a global partnership with World Wildlife Fund for almost a decade, which is one of the world’s leading conservation organisations. On a global level, we have agreed seven ambitious goals for 2020 to help protect our environment. On a local level here in Great Britain, we are focusing on providing a thriving future for England’s rivers, by working with local partners like the Rivers Trust in East Anglia to promote sustainable water-sensitive farming to help protect the region’s unique chalk streams.

Find out more information about World Wildlife Fund:


Special Olympics

We’re a founding partner and global sponsor of Special Olympics, which runs year-round sports training and competition programmes for athletes with intellectual disabilities. We’re also a founding partner and supporter on a national level, since Special Olympics GB was first established in Great Britain in 1978. Through our annual funding we cover vital running costs for the charity, and our employees get involved with fundraising and volunteering.

Find out more information about Special Olympics GB:



We recognise that women are a powerful global economic force, but we’re also aware of the unique challenges they face. In 2010, we established our 5by20 initiative, which is our global commitment to enable the economic empowerment of 5 million women entrepreneurs by 2020. This means we’re focusing on helping women earn a living through a connection with our business in some way - from small business owners, such as fruit farmers growing some of our ingredients to micro-retailers and artisans, recycling packaging to make jewellery or bags or other goods to sell.  We work with partners all over the world to help them overcome some of the barriers to setting up their own business by offering access to training courses, small loans and networking connections with peers and mentors.

To-date, we’ve reached a total of more than 1.2 million women entrepreneurs across 60 countries. Get more facts about the initiative in our 5by20 infographic.


Designated Driver

Since 2007 we’ve partnered with the Department of Transport’s THINK! road safety campaign to launch Designated Driver, which rewards those who volunteer to drive friends and family over the festive party season with free soft drinks, so they can celebrate too. It’s part of our commitment to responsible marketing and, as the world’s largest non-alcoholic drinks company, to build a responsible drinking culture and help people have a safe and enjoyable time over Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Find out more information about THINK!: