Cappy Apple Mocktail

  • Preparation 5 minutes
  • Yield 1 Drink

With a mixture of mint leaves, apple juice, lime juice, elderflower cordial and soda water this non-alcoholic Mojito is totally delicious and elegant!


40 ml Schweppes Soda Water

6 Mint leaves

2 Lime wedges

30 ml Cappy Apple 100% Fruit Juice Blend

20 ml Lime juice

15 ml Elderflower cordial

Crushed ice

1 Sprig of mint


Place 6 mint leaves in the bottom of a tall glass and press down with a teaspoon to extract the juices and flavour. Add the Cappy Apple juice, lime juice and elderflower cordial to the glass. Using a measuring spoon measure 30ml of Cappy apple juice, 20ml lime juice and 15ml elderflower cordial into the glass.

Fill the glass with crushed ice and stir the drink. Top up the drink with 40ml Schweppes Soda Water. Place a sprig of mint at an angle against the rim of the glass to garnish.