Topo Chico Photos + Videos
Please follow the link below to access graphics and photos to use with your articles, social media posts, and event promotions.

- Photo 2
- Photo 3
- Photo 4
- Photo 5
- Photo 6
Photos for use in press, social media, & collaborations.
- Content-wise we leave it up to partner creators to post what makes sense for their audiences.
- Please feature our brand hero - the glass 12oz bottle of Topo Chico over all other representations of the brand when possible.
- We ask partner collaborators to tag us on all social media accounts with @TopoChicoUSA - we track the #TopoChico and #TopoChicoUSA hashtags (partners are free to use whichever makes sense to them).
- Please don’t mention or refer to religious topics, politics, culturally controversial topics, man-made or natural disasters, world-conflicts, overtly sexual topics, foul language, or negative slang in any content related to Topo Chico Mineral Water.
Videos and video clips for user in articles, blogs, & social media.
- All videos on this page are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- All videos must be credited to Topo Chico and linked to