Responsible Social Media Principles


At The Coca‑Cola Company ("Company"), we believe relevancy, respect, and the rights of the individual are key to our digital media approach. This applies from our products to our communication methods. Putting audience first is core to our media strategy. The digital media landscape makes this possible, and easier to accomplish than ever. We use tools to reach the right, most relevant audience whilst respecting people’s privacy. We place a high priority on ensuring that the digital environment we place our content on aligns with our image, values, and messaging in order to safeguard our Company’s reputation. We require that our digital media vendors operate responsibly to ensure that safe environments exist, and we will hold them accountable just as we do other suppliers throughout our business. Transparency throughout the digital supply chain is critical and it is supported by our principles:

Ensure Quality

We strive to work with platforms that accept responsibility for the content carried on their sites. This includes content that is moderated and respectful of content owners’ rights and consistent with our values. We will avoid platforms that promote hatred or division. It is our expectation that each vendor has responsibility to monitor and remove unacceptable content, comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and operate in accordance with industry standards.

Promote Respect
We will avoid working with platforms that create negative conversation environments, and instead, will seek out platforms that foster balanced, constructive discourse, and civil commentary.

Protect People
Our content is about our business, our products, our people, and the communities where we do business. We demonstrate our respect for consumers by doing business the right way. We will work with media platforms that conduct business responsibly, respect users’ privacy, and protect the safety of children.

Audit Platforms
We will actively monitor platforms for violations of this policy. We also require our vendors and advertising partners to monitor their platforms and hire third-parties to conduct audits. They must inform us of any violations, and how they are being addressed.

Acceptable content and industry standards throughout the digital media supply chain is important to both advertise appropriately, as well as for audiences to know what to expect. We strive to work with platforms and ecosystems that are transparent in standards and content.

Enforce Policy
As we are made aware of violations of this policy, we will address the situation with the platform and take appropriate action, which may include a temporary or indefinite suspension of advertising and media investment.

*The Company is a member of the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) and supports the Global Media Charter that outlines advertisers’ principles for partnership in the digital media advertising ecosystem.

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